Training Description:
This two-and-a-half-day workshop provides a research overview and up to date training on the administration and scoring of the Static-99R which was significantly updated in 2016. The Static 99R is the most widely used risk assessment tool around the world. Additionally, training provides STABLE/ACUTE-2007 risk/needs assessment protocol. Training includes large group discussions, role play, small group and individual exercises with a focus on becoming proficient in the use of these sexual offense specific tools. The workshop is designed for all stakeholders in sexual offense specific management, including parole/probation officers, treatment providers, evaluators, managers and administrators. Participants will not only learn the administration and scoring of these instruments, they will also receive feedback and suggestions for interviewing skills and obtaining information in adversarial contexts. Participants will receive copies of the risk tools, interview guidelines, scoring sheets, and other materials, with no restrictions on duplication for their own use.
For those working in a forensic or inpatient setting, additional materials will be made available for conceptualizing and scoring the Stable 2007.
Schedule for the training
Jeff Landon is administrator of an acute psychiatric evaluation and treatment facility in Olympia Washington. Prior to this role, he was the Senior Administrator of Washington Department of Corrections’ (WADOC) Evidence-Based Programs to include sex offender treatment, assessment, substance use disorder treatment, gender responsive operations, quality assurance and the sex offender Law Enforcement Notification (LEN) program. He is one of 45 trainers certified to deliver the Static 99R, with recertification to train the updated Static 99R 2016 version. He served in many roles within WADOC’s sex offender treatment and assessment program to include the statewide Clinical Director. SOTAP is a prison-based sexual deviancy treatment for nearly 600 clients at two prisons for male offenders, a small program in an institution for females and community-based treatment upon release from incarceration. He has presented at the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers national conference related to the treatment of high risk individuals who categorically deny offending and trained forensic evaluators, clinicians and criminal justice professionals in many jurisdictions in the use of the Static 99R, Stable and Acute 2007. He was certified by Andrew Harris to train the Static 99R, Stable and Acute 2007.
200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98057 (425) 226-5062